Tarjeta de Healthy Extras (Suplementos Adicionales)
For EasyCare Plus (HMO D-SNP) and Total (HMO D-SNP) member. Your card holds allowances for your over-the-counter (OTC), grocery*, and Flex* benefits and earned member rewards.

How to Use the Healthy Extras Card
First, make sure you activate it. Siga las instrucciones que figuran en el adhesivo en la parte delantera de su tarjeta.The phone number is also on the back of your card. Make sure to activate the card by your effective date, so you can start using it as soon as possible.
Once your card is activated, you can use it for eligible purchases. No se requiere PIN ni firma para las compras en la tienda. Funciona igual que una tarjeta prepaga. Vaya a la caja y simplemente deslice la tarjeta para realizar el pago. This card can be used only for eligible items and expenses.
There are a few ways for you to check your card balances:
- Visit mybenefitscenter.com
- Download the OTC Network App for iPhone or Android
- Call the phone number on the back of your card.
If your card is lost or stolen, please call your Care Team immediately at 1-866-783-1444 (TTY: 711). We will cancel your card and send you a new one.
Have the Flexibility to Buy the Things You Need
OTC/Grocery* and Flex* benefits help you pay for the things you need to live well. Every month, your allowance amounts are added to your Healthy Extras card. You can spend the allowances in the way that works best for you—as long as the appropriate items are purchased using the allowance you have available. You can only purchase OTC/grocery items with its allowance and Flex-eligible expenses with its allowance.
Sus beneficios de OTC/comestibles y Flex se transfieren todos los meses (debe usarlos antes de fin de año).
Plan | Beneficio de OTC/comestibles | Beneficio Flex |
VNS Health EasyCare Plus | $2,820 /año ($235 /mes) | Hasta $450 /año ($37.50 /mes) |
VNS Health Total | $3,720 /año ($310 /mes) | Hasta $780 /año ($65 /mes) |
Member Rewards
The rewards you earn can be used to buy eligible items anywhere the OTC Network is accepted. Your rewards will be available once your OTC allowance is completely used. Learn more about how to earn rewards and when you will receive them here.
Beneficio de OTC/comestibles
EasyCare Plus members get $235/month (up to $2,820/year). Total members get $310/month (up to $3,600/year).
For a complete list of eligible items, and how to use your OTC and Grocery benefits, please see the OTC and Grocery Program Catalog.
Lo que puede comprar con el beneficio de OTC/comestibles de Healthy Extras
Alimentos saludables como leche, cereales, arroz, frutas y verduras frescas y congeladas, y más
Suministros dentales
Pasta dental, hilo dental, cuidado de dentaduras postizas, y más.
Medicamentos OTC
Antiácidos, analgésicos y medicamentos para el resfrío
Artículos para la salud diaria
Vendajes, desinfectante para manos, gotas para los ojos y más.
Entrega de comidas
Puede usar su tarjeta para pedir comidas nutritivas de Mom’s Meals® y shop.sunmeadow.com y hacer que se las entreguen en su puerta.
Beneficio Flex
EasyCare Plus members get $37.50/month (up to $450/year). Total members get $65/month (up to $780/year).
Usted elige cómo usarla You can use your Flex allowance to help pay for certain utilities like electric, gas, telephone, and internet bills. It can also be used to cover items or services above the maximum covered amount for dental, hearing, and vision.
Usar Flex para las utilidades



Internet y teléfono
Usar Flex para gastos de salud
Atención dental
Si utilizó la totalidad de su beneficio dental en el año y necesita realizar otro procedimiento o un producto, como puentes o coronas.
Si necesita reemplazar un audífono después de alcanzar el límite por oído cada 3 años.
Atención de la vista
Si necesita lentes de contacto o anteojos (lentes y marcos) con un valor superior al del límite anual, o bien si necesita otros anteojos o más lentes de contacto después de haber llegado al límite anual.
How it works
Your Flex allowance receives money over time, which means you won’t have access to the full amount right away.
The balance rolls over after each quarter. This means you can collect money throughout the year to spend on a larger expense. However, be sure to use the money before the end of the year because it won’t roll over into the next year.
Be aware that your Flex allowance can’t be used for other kinds of items or services. If you enroll after 1/1/2025, your Flex benefit amount will be based on when your coverage becomes effective.
Preguntas frecuentes
*Grocery and utility benefits are part of special supplemental benefits for the chronically ill and not all members qualify. Chronic illnesses include diabetes, dementia, heart failure, lung disorders, stroke, and other conditions. Eligibility for this benefit cannot be guaranteed based solely on your condition. All applicable eligibility requirements must be met before the benefit is provided. For details, please contact us.